Santo Daime Religion
Ayahuasca and World Beyond

Santo Daime

Santo Daime Religion

Santo Daime, also known as "Doctrine of Mestre Irineu, is a Brazilian syncretic religion established by Raimundo Irineu Serra-a humble Brazilian man. He was born in 1892. At the age of 15, he left his hometown and traveled around Brazil engaging in numerous occupations. It was during his stay in Acre that he met two brothers who invited him to a spiritual ceremony. It was during this ceremony that he was introduced to Ayahuasca.


(Ayahuasca is a brew or beverage used in indigenous rituals going back to the Inca civilization. It is a mixture of plants, which is known to induce altered states of consciousness).

It was during one of these spiritual ceremonies that Raimundo saw a, “lady sitting in the center of the moon- with an eagle in her head….” She identified herself as, “The Queen of the Universal.” She informed him that he was selected for a very important spiritual mission. However, she warned him that commercializing his spiritual gift was not acceptable.


From that point, she became his spiritual beacon guiding him throughout his spiritual preparation and work.

Raimundo named the new religion Daime. Later, the Santo was added to it. Daime means give me in Portuguese and Spanish. "A phrase 'Daime força, daime amor' (give me strength, give me love), recurs in the doctrine's hymns."

Santo Daime practice, “incorporates elements of several religious or spiritual traditions including Folk Catholicism, Kardecist Spiritism, African animism and South American Shamanism…”

Presently, there are several Santo Daime churches around the globe. These churches, "...promote a wholesome lifestyle in conformity with Irineu's motto of 'harmony, love, truth and justice', as well as other key doctrinal values such as strength, humility, fraternity and purity of heart. The practice became a worldwide movement in the 1990s" (Wikipedia).

During a visit to Brazil, my friend wanted me to experience, “an incredible spiritual event.” He had attended Santo Daime ceremony twice, and could not stop talking about his spiritual journey.

When he asked permission for me to attend, it was denied. Since, I was not willing to ingest the herbal concoction called Ayahuasca, I could not partake in the ceremony.

The rules had been changed after an unpleasant incident. The incident involved a woman who was permitted to attend a ceremony without ingesting the brew. She began laughing and mocking those who were undergoing the process.

Although I did not experience the spiritual ceremony, years later, I attended a ceremony in which Ayahuasca was used as "spiritual medicine" (Medicine Spirit).

According to my friend, his spiritual experiences were extraordinary. After each ceremony, he noticed an overall improvement in his health. "It was a spiritual journey that is difficult to put in words," he stated.

From the depiction of his experiences, it appears that this religion is truly a spiritual blessing.


Prayers said during ceremonies


PRAYER OF CHARITY God, our Father who is all Power and Goodness, give strength to those who are going through their trials. Give light to those who are seeking truth. Put compassion and charity in the hearts of all people. God, give the traveler the guiding star; the afflicted consolation; the sick rest. Father, give the guilty repentance; the spirit truth; the child a guide; the orphan a father. Lord, may Your goodness extend over all that You created. Mercy, Lord, on those who don't know You; Hope for those who suffer. May Your goodness allow the consoling spirits to spread everywhere peace, hope and faith. God, a ray, a spark of your love can set the earth ablaze. Let us drink in the fountain of this fertile and infinite goodness, and all the tears will be dried and all the pains will be soothed. One single heart, one single thought will rise up to You, like a cry of recognition and of love. Like Moses on the mountain, we await You with open arms, Oh Power, oh Goodness, oh Beauty, oh Perfection, and we want, in some way, to deserve Your infinite mercy! God, give us the strength to help our progress that in the end we may rise up to You. Give us pure Charity, give us Faith and Reason. Give us the simplicity that will make our souls the mirror where Your image must be reflected. Amen.

Key of Harmony

I wish Harmony, Love, Truth and Justice to all my brothers and sisters. With the united forces of the silent vibrations of our thoughts, we are strong, healthy and happy, thus forming a link of universal fraternity. I am happy and at peace with the whole universe, and I wish that all beings realize their most intimate aspirations. I give thanks to my invisible Father for having established Harmony, Love, Truth and Justice among all His children. So Be it, Amen.

Santo Daime Religion, Santo Daime religion 

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