Spiritual Faith Hope

Spiritual Faith Hope
The Spiritual Light That
Keeps Your Dreams Alive


Dear Lord, speak truth to me in the middle of my own personal whirlwind. Help me to see what you want me to see. Keep my mind clear and my relationship with you strong. Hold me up and help me to not falter in my faith. If my thinking process isn’t in line with how you want me to think, help me to pivot and begin thinking in the right direction. Help me to understand that you are in control and that I can trust you completely. Speak peace into my life today. Help me to rest in you. My hope is in you! In Jesus name, amen

Faith and Hope are spiritual sisters who travel together. They are inseparable. They are our spiritual weapons. Together they help us against negative energies taking over our thoughts and actions while maintaining our dreams alive. They encourage us to be positive, believe that nothing is unattainable and never give up.

When encountering devastating situations, Faith and Hope help us to release ourselves from the agonizing grasp of despair. On many occasions, they rescue us from the obscure bottomless pit of depression.

When Faith and Hope are no longer a part of us, the world around us seems bleak. We develop a negative attitude towards all things. We become consume with negative thoughts and behaviors. The simple joys of life become meaningless. Our dreams are reduced to distant memories.

Many years ago, I found myself in a situation without Faith and Hope. Instead of embracing them, I pushed them away. It was an extremely difficult time for me. Day in and day out, the situation remained the same. I prayed and prayed, but to no avail. I felt that God had abandoned me. I no longer believed that things were going to change. As days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, I found myself being pulled deeper and deeper into the vast ocean of self-pity. I felt that no one understood or cared about my emotional pain.

My only faithful companion was Negativity. She was with me day and night. Every morning, she would greet me and remain by my side throughout the day. I was highly influenced by her. In a way, I began to take upon myself many of her characteristics- pessimistic, dejected, persona non grata, etc. Then one day, something happened that changed my life.

The apartment was quiet. There was no one around- not even the presence of Negativity. I remember sitting silently by the window and staring at the sky. Suddenly, I closed my eyes and saw, in my mind’s eye, a flicker of light. It was followed by a warming sensation all over my body. When I opened my eyes, I felt as if I had released myself from some form of entanglement. The first words that I uttered were, “It’s going to be okay.” I was not only saying it, I was believing it.

Although things did not change overnight, I was optimistic. I had the sisters by my side keeping me company. Occasionally, Negativity would show up, but only to be rejected by me. I no longer needed her company. I had freed myself from her overbearing control.

Remember, Faith and Hope will keep your dreams alive. They are the essence that keeps us going in good as well as bad times. Bad times are temporary. They are life lessons we need to experience. Never despair or lose faith in self. With the guidance of Faith and Hope, you will eventually triumph over all obstacles.

End of Spiritual Faith Hope.

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