The World of Spirits

The World of Spirits
The Flesh is no longer, but the Soul lives on

Departed Loved Ones

Spiritual Encounter

Without hesitation, I grabbed my brush and began painting. In just thirty minutes, I created a portrait of an older boy instead of the little boy I had intended. I promptly sent the painting to the recipient and eagerly awaited their response.

The following day, I received the email I had been waiting for. The sender expressed disbelief at how much I resembled her brother. In addition, she mentioned her desire to see what her son would look like as a young man and confessed to secretly wishing for a painting of him at that age.

During my meditation, I received spiritual guidance to include her late father in the painting. He was a significant figure in her life, and she was thrilled when I shared this news with her. She promptly sent me a photo of him.

While painting the portrait, I instinctively included her dog who had recently passed away without questioning my decision.

As I neared completion, I began making final touch-ups to the face. However, I encountered an unexpected problem when the oil paint smudged the upper portion of the face. Despite my efforts to correct it, the situation only worsened. Faced with a complete disaster, I had to choose between giving up or starting over. Ultimately, I decided to redo the face.

At first, I struggled to make progress on my painting. But then, I reached out to the spirit of her son for assistance. Gradually, I started to see a transformation taking place on the canvas. His features were taking shape and I felt a deeper connection to the boy with every stroke of the brush.

Once I finished painting, I compared the before and after versions. The before was completely different from the final result. The after version seemed to capture the person's true essence. I wondered if the initial mistake was intentional. Did the person I painted want me to start over? If so, I'm grateful for their guidance in helping me create a better painting.

Throughout the process, I updated my friend on the painting's progress by sending her copies of the unfinished work. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that she had kept all of them.

Recently, I received an email from her stating, "I feel a closeness to my loved one as never before. I have my son in my heart and mind more than ever. Thank you for doing this painting. I would have never seen my son in an older stage if it weren't for you. He reminds me so much of my brother. Thank you, thank you, thank you. May God bless you always."

For years, she had complained about not seeing, feeling, and dreaming with her son. Even though she was raised to believe in the existence of spirits, she had difficulty accepting that her loved ones were close by. On many occasions, I heard her say, "They are not around me. They have abandoned me."

 Her son has never abandoned her. He has been around, witnessing all of her moments.

I was unaware that she secretly wished to have a painting of her son as a young man. However, he had captured her thoughts and guided my hand to produce the above artwork.

If you ever feel that your departed loved ones are not around you, think again. They are by your side. They are called spirit guests. All you need to do is open the door to your heart and let them in.


A few days ago, the painting was delivered to her. She wrote me the following email:

"I don't know what to say. You have left me speechless with the painting. I keep staring at the picture and talking to them. Thank you for taking the time to do this for me, I will never be able to repay you for what you did, but all I can say is God bless you. I never thought I would get such a beautiful portrait of my family. I have been crying since I took the picture in my hands, but they are tears of joy.

Love L

P.S. I will treasure this painting forever and ever. Thank you, thank you, thank you,

Thank you, Ramon, for the spiritual lesson. Although our loved ones have departed, they will never forget us.

This is not the end of spirit visitors. It is just the beginning.

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