What is Shamanic Journey ?

Shamanic Journey

Shamanic Journey
A Visit to the Underworld

Understanding Shamanism

Shamanic Journey

Shamanism is an ancient spiritual belief system practiced by indigenous people that has its roots in indigenous cultures around the world. It serves as a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds, allowing practitioners to access non-ordinary reality and communicate with spirit beings. At its core, shamanism is based on the belief that everything in the universe is interconnected, and humans are an integral part of this larger web of life.

Shamans are often seen as healers and spiritual guides who use various trance-inducing techniques to access the invisible world. Plant medicine plays a crucial role in shamanic ceremonies. In this altered state of consciousness, they can retrieve information, seek guidance, and perform ancestral healing. By connecting with the spirit world, shamans help restore balance and harmony, both on an individual and collective level. This ancient practice continues to offer profound insights, healing and spiritual growth, reminding us of our deep connection to the spiritual world and the wisdom it holds.

Preparing for a Shamanic Journey

Embarking on a shamanic journey requires thoughtful preparation to ensure a meaningful and transformative experience. The first step is to set a clear intention for your journey. Whether you aim to explore the Lower World or seek guidance from a spirit guide, having a focused intention will guide your experience.

Creating a conducive environment is equally important. Choose a quiet, comfortable space free from distractions and negative energies. This sacred space will support your journey and help you maintain focus. Techniques such as meditation, breathwork, or rhythmic drum beat can be used to alter your consciousness and enter a non-ordinary reality. These practices help quiet the mind and prepare the body for the journey ahead.

As you prepare, remember that the journey begins with an open heart and a willingness to explore the unknown. Trust in the process and allow yourself to be guided by the wisdom of the spirit world.

The Structure of a Shamanic Journey

A shamanic journey typically unfolds in five distinct stages: preparation, altering consciousness, the journey itself, return, and integration. Each stage plays a crucial role in ensuring a safe and meaningful experience.

During the preparation stage, you set your intention and create a conducive environment. This involves choosing a quiet space, setting your intention, and using tools like drums or rattles to aid in the journey.

In the altering consciousness stage, you use techniques such as meditation, breathwork, or sound to enter an altered state of consciousness. This shift allows you to leave ordinary reality behind and access the non-ordinary world.

The journey stage is where you pursue your intentions and explore the spiritual realms. Whether you are seeking guidance, healing, or insight, this stage is the heart of the shamanic journey.

The return stage involves intentionally crossing a threshold back into ordinary reality. This transition is crucial to ensure you safely return to your physical body and everyday life.

Finally, the integration stage involves reflecting on your experience and incorporating the insights gained into your daily life. This process helps you make sense of the journey and apply its wisdom to your personal growth.

Shamanic Journey to the Underworld and Spirit World

The Role of Spirit Animals in Shamanic Journeys

Spirit animals, also known as totem or power animals, play a vital role in shamanic journeys. These spirit beings are believed to possess unique skills and wisdom that humans can access. Acting as guides, protectors, and teachers, spirit animals help individuals navigate the non-ordinary world and retrieve valuable information from the spirit realms.

Each spirit animal is associated with specific qualities, such as strength, courage, or wisdom. For instance, a wolf might symbolize protection and guidance, an eagle represents vision and higher perspective, a snake transformation, and so on. During a shamanic journey, these spirit animals can be called upon to provide support and insight, helping you achieve your intentions and navigate the spiritual realms with confidence.

In shamanic traditions, forming a relationship with your spirit animal is a deeply personal and transformative experience. These powerful allies offer guidance and support, enriching your journey and helping you connect with the deeper aspects of your being.

Shamanic Journeying Workshop

Recently, I attended a workshop called Experiencing and Understanding Shamanic Journeywork. The presentation was conducted by a female Shaman, who is fully trained and initiated into the, “tradition of the Q’ero medicine people of Peru." The experience was mind-blowing.

The most intriguing part of the workshop was the latter segment, in which the audience actually experienced a shamanic journey.

Before descending into the underworld (earth), it was essential to attain a heightened state of awareness and enter a non-ordinary reality.

This was achieved through a series of breathing exercises. The Shaman highly recommended that we keep our eyes closed. These exercises allowed us to relax both body and mind and release all mundane thoughts.

By the time the breathing exercises were concluded, I was feeling very relaxed and detached from all thoughts and surroundings. The room, speaker, and people around me no longer existed. I had left ordinary reality behind. 

As I journeyed deeper into the underworld, it felt as if my body were submerged in the earth. I was becoming one with the ground beneath me. As this process continued, I found myself descending further and further. It felt like I was lucid dreaming.

When I reached the underworld, I looked around and noticed that I was in a cave. Although most of the cave was dark, some light was coming through an opening. As I approached the opening and stepped out, I was bathed in warm, glowing sunlight.

In front of me was a stream with incredible translucent water. I decided to step into the water, sit down, and close my eyes. The warmth of the sun and water embraced my body. Slowly, I began to drift gently downstream. I was not fearful of the unknown or where I was being pulled. I was living in the moment and wanted to continue enjoying it. Suddenly, my body stopped moving. I opened my eyes and saw the most dazzling white sand.

Walking on the sand seemed as if I was walking on air- a very strange sensation. I continued walking until I came to a pathway. Both sides of the pathway were covered with beautiful and colorful flowers. I looked at my clothes and noticed that they were completely dry. I continued walking until an older man appeared.

The man was dressed in a long, white, ancient-looking robe. His hair was long and completely white. He seemed as if he had been waiting for me. When I asked for permission to enter his domain, he politely acceded. After thanking him, I continued walking forward. I kept on walking until I came across a massive ball of light.

From within, a hand emerged. I grabbed it and walked inside. The inside consisted of an immense luminous white-yellow light. Although I could not see the figure that had welcomed me, I knew it was nearby. I sat down and felt the energy of the light permeating my entire being. Besides receiving energy, something else was happening. The spirit beings, who were now by my side, were merging with me. We were becoming one. When the process was over, I calmly got up and walked outside.

A large, beautiful wolf, my spirit power animal guide, was waiting for me. He was there as a protector and guide. As we commenced the journey back home, I felt immensely calm and cared for. I did not see the older man on my way out.

We journeyed upstream to the location of the cave in the spirit world. All the time, my lovely animal guide remained by my side. By now, I heard a faraway voice saying, “It’s time to come back.” I opened my eyes and realized I was back in the room where it all started.

Although I did not place spirit and animal guides into my third eye or heart charka-as directed by the Shaman in the beginning of the journey- I felt they were deep inside me. Their strength and energy were now a part of me.

I attended the workshop expecting very little and walked away feeling invincible.

Shamanic Experience and Spiritual Beliefs
A Visit to a Shaman

Visit to a Shaman

It was a beautiful summer day, and I was heading to see a Shaman. What was I getting myself into? I had no clue.

I had read an article on the Shaman and the significance of indigenous cultures in the study and practice of shamanism. After reading the article, I felt a strong impulse to see him. Since it was my first time visiting a Shaman, I did not know what to expect. I was ten percent nervous and ninety percent curious.

As I came out of the subway and walked slowly towards the address of the Shaman, my thoughts began jumping from one thing to another, much like the workshop practice of shamanic journeying. “What is going to happen? What kind of a person is he? Will his guides connect with me?” These and other questions kept entering my mind.

At the designated time, I rang the bell. A white, middle-aged man with a pleasant smile opened the door. “Hello…come in and have a seat,” he said. As I sat down on a couch, my eyes began inspecting the area. It was a small space with various spiritual items spread around the room. Near the windows were a table and two chairs. On top of the table were stones, flowers, and other items, which I don’t recall at the moment. 

After a brief introduction, he told me to sit on one of the chairs near the window, He then gave me a candle and said, “Take this candle, rub it around your body and pray for all problems and negative energy to be transmitted to the candle.” I closed my eyes and did exactly what he told me. When I finished, I handed him the candle. He lit the candle and proceeded to do a candle reading.

Although the reading did not impress me, I enjoyed the interaction. It was very amicable. By the end of the reading, we were exchanging information concerning various aspects of certain religious beliefs.

Suddenly, he looked at me and said, “Do you want to do the spiritual cleansing?” (a practice rooted in ancient and interconnected shamanic traditions).

“Is the Pope Catholic? Is there tea in China?” I said to myself. What a ridiculous question. Of course, I wanted the spiritual cleansing. It was the main reason why I was there.

He instructed me to stand in the middle of the room. Then, he gave me two stones- one for each hand. I held them tightly, closed my eyes, and proceeded to pray.

As I continued praying, I felt the Shaman spraying a liquid over my body. I believe it was rum, but I am not sure. After spraying me, he began chanting as if calling on the Divine Energy.

Suddenly, I began to have a dream-like vision. I saw the spirit of a middle-aged man of medium stature moving around me in a circle. Just like the Shaman, he was speaking in a foreign tongue. As he moved around me, he kept shaking a rattle and chanting. Out of nowhere, a snake appeared. It approached my feet and moved slowly up my body. When it reached my head, it continued to move up into the air in the direction of the spirit. Grabbing the snake, it transformed into a staff. The spirit held it tightly and placed it down. Next to the spirit was a wolf sitting and observing patiently. Then, a large bird appeared. It went to the top of my head, seized a red ribbon, and flew away.

When the vision was over, I heard the Shaman calling me. He took away the two stones and gave me another one. “Here, take this stone and keep it close to your body,” he said. I placed it close to my stomach area and held it firmly. My hands and legs started shaking as he started chanting. The energy I felt was very powerful.

When the cleansing was over, I felt peaceful and satisfied. After I had a few minutes to gather my thoughts, the Shaman gave me some water. As I was getting ready to leave, we hugged each other and said our farewells.

As I walked towards the train station, my mind was completely blank. I could not process what had happened to me. That evening nothing extraordinary occurred.

The next day, the unexpected happened. I was visited by a spirit. In a dream-like state, I saw myself resting on a bed. A man appeared and sat next to me. He was the same man or spirit I had seen the day before during the cleansing. He smiled and commenced to reveal facts about the spiritual cleansing. Although he was not communicating verbally, his thoughts were apparent to me.

He stated that he was the same spirit that had appeared the day before. In fact, his energy directed me to the Shaman. To understand his energy, it was vital for me to see, feel, and experience it.

The ceremony consisted of calling upon the Divine Creator to allow higher-ranking spirits to descend and fill the area with their energy. The shaking of the rattle, the chanting, and the moving in circular form were all part of the calling process.

Furthermore, he stated that the snake represented the spirit of extraction, a key aspect of spiritual beliefs. It was used to remove unwanted energy. As it moved slowly up the body, it was releasing negative energy and taking it to the top. When it detached itself from the body, it removed all of the negative energy. It then transformed into a staff.

The wolf represented the spirit of protection from the spiritual realms. Its mission was to protect and guard the medium and the receiver from all negative energy.

The large bird, an eagle, represented the spirit in charge of removing and discarding negative energy to another dimension in the spiritual world.

Reaching the end of his explanation, he smiled and assured me that things were going to be okay.

Immediately, I woke up feeling a sense of inner peace. Remember, if you have a strong inclination to do something or if spirits of light move you in a specific direction, go for it. You never know what is on the other side of the rainbow.

There is a reason for all things in life.

Benefits of Shamanic Journeying

Shamanic journeying offers a wealth of benefits, enhancing self-awareness, emotional healing, and spiritual growth. By accessing non-ordinary reality, individuals can gain profound insights into their lives, retrieve lost parts of themselves, and communicate with spirit beings.

One of the most significant benefits of shamanic journeying is the opportunity for emotional healing. By exploring the spiritual realms, individuals can uncover and release deep-seated emotional wounds, leading to greater inner peace and well-being. Additionally, shamanic journeying fosters a deeper connection with nature, the universe, and oneself, providing a sense of purpose and meaning.

Shamanic journeying is also a powerful tool for problem-solving and creativity. By tapping into the wisdom of the spirit world, individuals can find innovative solutions to challenges and unlock new levels of creativity. This practice encourages personal growth and expansion of consciousness, making it a valuable resource for anyone seeking to improve their life and deepen their spiritual practice.

In essence, shamanic journeying is a transformative practice that opens the door to a world of healing, insight, and spiritual connection. Whether you are seeking guidance, healing, or personal growth, the journey begins with a single step into the non-ordinary reality.

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