God Hear My Prayer
Jesus, have mercy on me

Jesus Christ

 GOD Hear My Prayer

Lord, may I have a few minutes of your time? I know that I am just a grain of sand in a vast desert and, perhaps, undeserving of your attention. However, I am in need of your guidance. I have exhausted all of my options.

I understand that lately you and your Father have been extremely preoccupied with the present state of humanity. Instead of moving towards enlightenment, we are backsliding into a world of darkness. Forgive us for our transgressions.

Perhaps, it is selfish of me to ask for a few minutes of your time, but I truly need your help.

For many years, I have been carrying my cross with resignation. On many occasions, I have stumbled along the way. However, I have gotten up quickly, dusted the dirt off, picked up my cross and moved on. At times, my cross has felt heavy. Yet, I have always had the strength to endure without complaints.

Recently, the weight of my cross has been bearing down on my worn-out body. I can no longer bounce up and proceed on. I remain anchor to the ground. Although I have attempted to lift my body, the weight of my cross is overpowering.

Few times, I have had visitors. Instead of assisting me in getting up, they have mocked me. They have called me simpleminded, irrational and ridiculous. “Why continue to carry a cross, when you can free yourself and live a life of leisure? Put your cross aside and follow us,” they exclaimed.

I fought temptation bravely. And, after a long and agonizing encounter, they vanished. However, here I am alone and without the strength to move on. Or, a word of comfort or support. My only companion is my cross- a cross that continues to grow heavier while my body gets weaker. I want to carry my cross to the end, but I don’t know how, or if I can. I feel defeated and helpless.

How did you do it? You carried your cross to the end. A cross that symbolized the sins of humanity. Although you were in severe agony, you continued to carry your cross without complaining. Instead of being comforted, you gave solace to those around you.

“And a great multitude of the people followed Him, and women who also mourned and lamented Him. But Jesus, turning to them, said, Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children” (Luke 23).

Jesus, please give me some of your steadfastness, courage and strength. I am not asking you to carry my cross. I just want you to assist me to get up again so that I can carry my cross to the end.

Oh Jesus, lift these agonizing chains from my tired body. Help me to be strong and overcome all adversities that come my way.



Help us GOD, for You are merciful and loving. We need Your guidance in these difficult times. Without You, we are lost children in a vast labyrinth. Show us the way and what we need to do to stay in your Divine Light. 

Forgive us for all our sins committed against You. There is so much we need to learn from You. 

Help us fulfill our mission here on this planet and be an instrument of Your Divine Peace. 

Let us follow You to the end of the universe and beyond. 

Without You, my dear GOD, we are empty vessels going nowhere. Show us the way to Your everlasting Kingdom.  


End of  GOD Hear My Prayer -A Spiritual Invocation

The ChristJesus, Pray for us.

Jesus, have mercy on us. Show us the way to GOD, the Father's Divine Kingdom, if we are worthy. I trust and believe in you, for you have never let me down. 

Divine Jesus, You have said,
"Ask and you shall receive;
seek and you shall find;
knock and it shall be opened to you."

I ask, I seek and I knock. May GOD's will be done now and always.

Grant me not what I want, but what YOU feel I need.

Jesus, thank you for this Divine Prayer

Our Father, Who art in heaven, 
Hallowed be Thy Name. 
Thy Kingdom come. 
Thy Will be done, 
on earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread. 
And forgive us our trespasses, 
as we forgive those who trespass against us. 
And lead us not into temptation, 
but deliver us from evil. Amen.

May the Divine Light of the Father shine upon all of us.

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